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Jasmin Harell
News & Press
Jasmin Harell
Magische Fenster der Wirklichkeit
Oil Paintings
Galery F37, Berlin
Januar/Februar 2023
Between figurative and Abstruction
Two Reflections from Berlin
Paintings and Drawings
Galerie am Schwarzen Meer Bremen,
Opening: Friday, 12.08.2022 17-20h, Through: 27.08.2022
Jasmin Harell
About Light and Color
Opening: 29.11.2020 | 14.00 - 17.00
Droysenstr. 12 Berlin
Jasmin Harell
Berlin Rooftops
Paintings and Drawings
Opening: Friday 07.04.2017 | 19.00 - 22.00
Through: 03.06.2017
Galerie Taube, Pariserstr. 54 Berlin
Der Tagesspiegel
Kunststück - Leuchtfeuer
Christiane Meixner
Jasmin Harell
Nothing will break down the Stillness
Opening: 04.04.2009
Through: 31.05.2009
Galerie Terzo | Grolmanstr. 27/28 Berlin
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